De Prent - Sleutel voor eigentijds grafiek Museum 't Oude Slot Veldhoven, the Netherlands 9 September - 27 November 2022 Opening 11 September 2 pm https://www.museumoudeslot.nl Museum 't Oude Slot has an extensive collection of antique and modern prints. Members of 'Grafiekplatform' an national printmaking society were invited to choose one or more prints of the collection of the museum to take as starting point and inspiration to create a new work. I choose one of the 'childrens prints' from the 18e century depicting the four elements as an allegory of greek/roman gods . These 'kinderprenten' were distributed for learning and amusement purposes. For my interpretation of the four elements, earth, water, fire and air, I choose to create an imaginary landscape built up using 4 different printmaking techniques and each representing an element: flowers and plants representing earth, etching for water, chine colle for fire and embossing for air. Works of the society members will be juxtaposed with the works from the museum collection in this interesting group exhibition . |