Solo Exhibition
Tussen Land en Water (Between Land and Water) 6 August - 27 August 2022 Opening 6 August Pulchri Studio Lange Voorhout 15 The Hague , the Netherlands For this exhibition I will present a new series of collages on canvas. For each work I used hand printed and hand coloured papers that are composed into an impression of a landscape. My intention for this series is not to depict an existing landscape but rather refer to memories and the way we can experience a landscape or the natural environment. The series 'Water Landscape' consists of 10 works of 60 x 60 cm that will form a continuous panorama of an imaginary coastal landscape were land and water meet. Works of 'The Coast' are works with and on paper, collage of etching, mono type and hand painted papers that form impressions of the colours, forms and textures that we experience when we are are at the coast. The small installation of 'Collection' pebble and stone forms relate to the 'The Coast' series. Other works that I present at this solo exhibition are 'Waves' a collection of mono types on Chinese semi-transparent silk that will be installed at the two windows in the gallery and smaller prints from older series. |
Waterkant (WaterSide)
Collage, Nature Print, Acryl on Canvas 100 x 150 cm The Coast
Collage, Paper, Etching on paper 50 x 60 cm |
Water Landscape Collage, Nature Print, Woodcut, Monotype on Canvas each 60 x 60 cm